VILLA TIEPOLO PASSI “Business and leisure, nature and culture in Venetian country houses”

Proposed experience

Ville Venete: business and leisure, nature and culture in Venetian country houses.

A fascinating journey through history, art and landscape. Discovering the origin and functions of Venetian Villas, the guided tour proceeds inside and outside with an exciting storytelling about Villa living: the great sundial, the marvelous perspective, the lavishly furnished and frescoed rooms, the Italianate garden and the Romantic park, the noble chapel.


Saturday 19th october
Sunday 20th October


On shift
Saturday morning at 11:00.
Saturday afternoon at 15:30, and at 16:30.
Sunday morning at 10:00, 10:45 and 11:30.
Sunday afternoon at 14:30, 15:30 and 16:30.


Villa Tiepolo Passi

Via Brigata Marche 24, 31030, Carbonera



Why choose this experience

  • The guided tour leads us to the extraordinary story of the Venetian Villas and the civilization that has resulted from it.
  • To be mesmerized by the illusionistic trompe-l’oeil frescoes and live the meraviglia of early Venetian Baroque.
  • To explore the Historic Park, with the restorations funded by PNRR-NextGenerationEU, the monumental centuries-old trees – Himalayan Cedars, Oaks, Magnolias, Hackberries, Taxodium, Sophora Japonica – and the ancient Waters Circuit.

Price per person

15,00 €

Price per group/family


€ 10,00 for students (age 8 to 21), Ville Venete Association members Free entry: children under 7, assistants for disabled visitors

What it includes

Guided tour 1h 30m

What it doesn't include

Everything not included in the previous point

Cancellation conditions

Please inform the Villa by phone or email

Additional payment notes

On-site payment (cash or electronic payment)


Max 40
Min 4


Recommended for everyone




Partial accessibility: first floor of the villa only accessible via stairs, gravel paths in the park.

Vi ricordiamo che l’esperienza è ideata e organizzata interamente dalla Villa pertanto per prenotare o richiedere informazioni dettagliate è necessario contattare quest’ultima. IRVV e AVV non sono direttamente responsabili dell’attività svolta nelle ville né delle eventuali modifiche organizzative che si dovessero rendere necessarie. Sarà discrezione della Villa stessa accogliere e organizzare al meglio l’attività proposta.

We remind you that the experience is designed and organized entirely by the Villa, therefore to book or request detailed information you must contact the latter. IRVV and AVV are not directly responsible for the activity carried out in the villas nor for any organizational changes that may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Villa itself to welcome and organize the proposed activity in the best possible way.

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