VILLA GIOIAGRANDE “Foliage, statues and secular tree

Proposed experience

Foliage, statues and secular trees

Villa Gioiagrande will open its park to visitors, offering them the chance of an exclusive guided tour with the owners and an expert guide in the area. People can admire the splendid colors of the autumn foliage of the American vine in the portico, the romantic glimpses of the bridges and the waterway, the ancient statues that frame the villa.


Sunday 20th October


On shift
10-12:30 14:30-16:30


Villa Gioiagrande

via molino 33,

Rosà (VI)


T. +39 3491768773

Why choose this experience

  • For the uniqueness and beauty of the landscape
  • To immerse oneself in the magical atmosphere created by autumn foliage
  • To admire rare and ancient trees

Price per person

Liberal donation starting from €6.00

Price per group/family


€3 under 18, over 60 and members of Ville Venete association

Venetian villas members €3

What it includes

Guided visit to the park

What it doesn't include

Cancellation conditions

Additional payment notes



Min 5

Max 20


Recommended for everyone



comfortable shoes

Dogs allowed


People with reduced mobility can access

Discover the villa

Vi ricordiamo che l’esperienza è ideata e organizzata interamente dalla Villa pertanto per prenotare o richiedere informazioni dettagliate è necessario contattare quest’ultima. IRVV e AVV non sono direttamente responsabili dell’attività svolta nelle ville né delle eventuali modifiche organizzative che si dovessero rendere necessarie. Sarà discrezione della Villa stessa accogliere e organizzare al meglio l’attività proposta.

We remind you that the experience is designed and organized entirely by the Villa, therefore to book or request detailed information you must contact the latter. IRVV and AVV are not directly responsible for the activity carried out in the villas nor for any organizational changes that may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Villa itself to welcome and organize the proposed activity in the best possible way.

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