The secrets, nobility and wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Villas visited:
Experiences: 2 heritage + 1 Wine&Food
Kms travelled: 45 in total
Date*: Sunday 22 October 2023

: Villa Manin “Secrets of Villa Manin
Late morning or early afternoon:
 Villa Manin Guerresco “The nobility, food and culture of the Friuli plain
Late afternoon: Villa del Torre “Visit to Villa del Torre with tastings of a selection of wines produced by Borg da Vila

* This date is recommended to allow you to combine the proposed experiences

Your journey starts in Passariano di Pordenone at the stately Villa Manin with a special tour entitled Secrets of Villa Manin.  Back in the 17th century, when the Venetian Republic was at its zenith, the Manin noble family chose this site as it provided strategic advantages for transporting goods by sea and river. Thirty kilometres away, you’ll continue to explore the history of the Manin family in the elegant Villa Manin Guerresco, during a guided tour entitled Nobility, food and culture on the Friuli plain”.

After a refreshing lunch with traditional delicacies from the Friuli area, you set off for the last stage of your tour.

In the nearby province of Gorizia, in the village of Romans d’Isonzo, just 15 km from Villa Manin Guerresco you’ll reach Villa del Torre, where you’ll have the opportunity to sample an authentic Friulian wine with the “Villa Tasting Experience”. Your hosts will welcome you and entertain you with the story of the nobleman Giulio del Torre, who in the early decades of the 1800s purchased the first land here called “Braida della Madonna”, where he sited the current Villa and built the farm. At the end of your visit, you’ll sample a glass of wine crafted from certified organic grapes from the Borc da Villa farm, which in local dialect means “The Village of the Villa”.

Proposed experiences

Villa Manin

I segreti di Villa Manin

Villa Manin Guerresco

Nobility, food and culture in the Friuli plain

Villa del Torre

Tour of villa del Torre and wine tasting of Borc da Vila wines

Vi ricordiamo che l’esperienza è ideata e organizzata interamente dalla Villa pertanto per prenotare o richiedere informazioni dettagliate è necessario contattare quest’ultima. IRVV e AVV non sono direttamente responsabili dell’attività svolta nelle ville né delle eventuali modifiche organizzative che si dovessero rendere necessarie. Sarà discrezione della Villa stessa accogliere e organizzare al meglio l’attività proposta.

We remind you that the experience is designed and organized entirely by the Villa, therefore to book or request detailed information you must contact the latter. IRVV and AVV are not directly responsible for the activity carried out in the villas nor for any organizational changes that may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Villa itself to welcome and organize the proposed activity in the best possible way.

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