Villa di Maser

Villa Nichesola-Conforti

Palazzo Montanari

Villa Correr Agazzi

Villa Roberti

Villa Maffei Costalunga

Villa Priuli Crisanti

Villa Sandi


Villa del Torre

Villa Morosini Lucheschi

Villa la Rotonda

Villa Zileri

Villa Buri Tessari

Villa Francazan Piovene

Castello del Catajo

Castello Papadopoli Giol

Villa Chiminelli

Villa Mosconi Bertani

Castello di Roncade

Villa di Montruglio

Ca' Erizzo

A long weekend to discover and experience the Venetian Villas

A national event entirely dedicated to the Venetian Villas, providing an exclusive glimpse of life within the Villas through a series of experiences: visits, tastings, workshops, readings, performances, conferences and exclusive meetings. A weekend giving visitors the exclusive opportunity to Experience the Villas across the Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions in an immersive way by choosing from a range of themes including heritage, green, wine&food, family, dream, well-being and many more.

An event commissioned and organised by the Regional Institute for Venetian Villas (IRVV) and the Association for Venetian Villasto promote and provide greater understanding and appreciation of the Venetian Villas and their value through immersive experiences.

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