Discover Vicenza’s Venetian Villas through mysteries and interactive games

A journey through the wonders of history and technology! Discover Thiene Castle through an immersive tour and solve a mystery at Villa Montanari Valeri. A unique experience for the whole family



Discover Vicenza’s Venetian Villas through mysteries and interactive games

Villas visited: 2 Villas in 1 day
Experiences: 2 Heritage

Recommended for: all
Total distance in km: 30 km in two days

Date: Sunday 20th October 2024

Your itinerary begins on Sunday 20th October in the morning with the “Interactive TourHeritage experience in Thiene Castle. The visit consists of a museum itinerary enriched by augmented reality, artificial intelligence, sound design and acting, offering the perfect blend of culture and technology.


In the afternoon, you’ll be able to discover a Venetian Villa usually closed to the public: Villa Montanari Valeri (less than 30 minutes from Thiene Castle), with the Heritage experience “A Mystery to Solve”. Through the guided tour of the residence you’ll discover its history, the wonders concealed within its walls, and the enigma that lies behind its construction.

Vi ricordiamo che l’esperienza è ideata e organizzata interamente dalla Villa pertanto per prenotare o richiedere informazioni dettagliate è necessario contattare quest’ultima. IRVV e AVV non sono direttamente responsabili dell’attività svolta nelle ville né delle eventuali modifiche organizzative che si dovessero rendere necessarie. Sarà discrezione della Villa stessa accogliere e organizzare al meglio l’attività proposta.

We remind you that the experience is designed and organized entirely by the Villa, therefore to book or request detailed information you must contact the latter. IRVV and AVV are not directly responsible for the activity carried out in the villas nor for any organizational changes that may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Villa itself to welcome and organize the proposed activity in the best possible way.

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